
Meillä on ollut Lavonialta vuosien aikana satoja työntekijöitä. Voin luottaa siihen, että Lavonialta saa työmiehiä aina tarpeeseen nopealla aikataululla, päivänkin varoitusajalla. Yhteyden saa hyvin, viestintä on helppoa ja vaivatonta. Lavonian kanssa kaikki sujuu.

Joni Söyring

Forssan sisärakenne Oy, Yrittäjä/työnjohtaja

Kun omat työmiehet ei riitä, voin luottaa siihen, että Lavonialta saamme apua työtaakkaamme. Heidän henkilöstö on vastannut odotuksia hyvin ja olen saanut apua myös omaan työhön Lavonian kautta. Lavoniassa parasta on luotettavuus. Pystyy luottamaan että tekijä tulee joka päivä töihin.

Johan Lönnfors

KBC Rakennus Oy, Timpuri/nokkamies

Lavonian työntekijät on perehytetty aina hyvin ja olemme olleet tyytyväisiä heihin. Lavoniaan saa aina helposti yhteyden ja viestintä toimii. Helppo kommunikointi on todella tärkeää, mitä vähemmän on veivaamista, sen parempi. Voin suositella ja olenkin suositellut Lavoniaa muille.

Isotalo Jukka

Inlook Oy, Työnjohtaja


The application process for Lavonia was smooth and really fast. I was called within a couple of hours, after which I went to the office to sign the contract and was able to start the work. There is more work than I can handle and the salary is always in the account on time, never late. The boss answers everything as soon as you need to get in touch and you get help whenever you need it. If you want versatility, then Lavonia is the best company for that. There hasn’t been a single day when I haven’t learned something new.

Rasmus Spiegel

I have worked at Lavonia for 10 years. At one time, I wanted to try working abroad, and on my brother’s recommendation, I ended up in Lavonia. The process progressed quickly, from the phone call to signing the contract, and the next day I was already at work. Accommodation was arranged through Lavonia and I am currently living in their apartment. There has always been enough work, in the last five years there has been no need to wait for a new project. Lavonia is a friendly company and helps when needed, for example work supplies are taken care of and equipment is taken care of. Everyone is helpful.

Viktor Soldatov

I like the job because the tasks are versatile, you don’t have to do the same thing every day. There has been enough work and the connection works well. 98% of the time, new jobs have been found right away, for the most part I have been able to get to a new job site right away. It was often clear when the project ends and when the next one begins. You can contact the boss easily and find out when you can start new jobs. I can recommend Lavonia to anyone.

Vladimir Soldatov

When I applied for Lavonia 5 years ago, the recruitment process was easy and I was able to start work quickly. Since then, work has always been found. Communication is easy and they always answer or call back. The best thing about my job is freedom, i.e. flexible working hours, which is important to me. In my opinion, Lavonia is a normal employer, the salary comes on time and everything works.

Urmas Mäesalu


I applied to Lavonia on a friend’s recommendation 2,5 years ago. I got to work quickly, there has been work all the time and people ask me when I will be free for the next work. My tasks have been versatile and that’s why I like working at Lavonia. The salary is normal, overtime is compensated, and the apartment is not that expensive. I have recommended Lavonia to 4 friends who have come to work at Lavonia.

Marek Kiin

Lavonian kautta työllistyin helposti itselleni mieleiseen työtehtävään. Rekryprosessi hoitui nopeasti ja vaivattomasti! En ehtinyt edes silmiä räpäyttää, kun pääsin jo työmaalle tekemään sitä, mistä diggaan.

Niklas Suni