Hello You, who are interested in working in Finland!
We are very happy that you have found our website and got interested in Lavonia. Lavonia is a growing Finnish personnel leasing company, and we recruit hundreds of people every year. With us, working in Finland is simple and
safe. In Lavonia it is easy to apply for a job, and the process from sending your application to walking into the worksite is quick and smooth. Now, let us tell you why you should choose Lavonia as the company you will work in in Finland.
Work with no worries
While working in Lavonia, you don’t have to worry about anything. We take care of you. We keep your contract updated and pay your wages in time. From us you also get an apartment from Finland, where you can live as long as your job in Finland lasts. The only thing you have to worry about is that you do our job as well as you can. When your work project ends, we arrange you quickly to the next work site. So, you can always rely on us.
Apply and get a job quickly
We have work for all kinds of professionals in building and industry fields, from demolition workers to steel fixers. When you have applied for a job that suits you, we call you to come to an interview. Remember to be natural in the interview, and tell about yourself honestly. Also remember to take all the documents needed for you job: licenses, diplomas and such. We will tell you everything you need to know about your job before the work begins. You also get a good quality working gear from us.
We answer to your questions
Working in Lavonia, you are never alone. Your boss always helps you if you have questions, and in the work site the supervisors guide you. If you get ill or get in an accident in the work site, we arrange you to good care.
Nice work mates
In the work site you can get to know other workers, with whom working goes nicely. We have workers from all kinds of backgrounds, Finnish and foreigners all the same. Maybe you will learn a bit Finnish while working and get to know Finnish culture. But you can also speak English in the worksite, no worries.
Easy working with Lavonia
If you have thought about working in Finland, apply for Lavonia. With Lavonia it is easy to get to work in Finland, and working with us is nice and safe. We take care of you, and you can concentrate fully on your work. So send us an application, if you haven’t done that already. See you in the work site – in Finland!