Construction or manufacturing?

The job market offers a wide variety of heavy industry opportunities, but it can be difficult to know which industry would suit you best. This article examines the construction and manufacturing sectors as a place of work, so that it would be easier for you to choose a suitable and pleasant job.

The construction industry usually already requires a professional qualification or a burning desire to learn and become a professional in this field. The length of the projects may vary, but they can provide you good income. If you want to work in the construction industry, please be prepared that there may be breaks between jobs. The construction industry is versatile and interesting, you can travel, meet new people, and see new places.

The manufacturing industry is suitable for those who aims for a regular rhythm and routine, but still want to stay on the move. Production work is often long-term or permanent and you get to take regular days off and vacations. You can get far in production work with a motivated attitude and precision, you will notice quick learning and developing in your job tasks. 

The most important thing is to find a job that meets your own needs and passions. By researching and comparing different fields, you can find the job of your dreams.

Through Lavonia, you can find the best jobs in the heavy industry around Finland. Find out more about our open positions or send us an open application.

See you in the interview!